Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Next New Thing

Our world is changing every moment, that's including new media. People are always trying to make something NEW everyday. As today, one idea popped out of my mind about making friends while I was taking the train. I was thinking that might be a good idea if people on the SAME train are able to find and know each other over the internet, or people could find someone they meet on the street. 
On the internet, I know that there are many websites for people to find friends within the colleges, within the interests, etc. However, I have not heard any websites which would help people to find someone they meet on the train or on the street. I think it will be great if there is a website for people to go and let others know where they have been on that day specifically and a group of people will gather together, for example, if one person is taking the N train today at train # 001, when that person comes home at night, he or she will log into the website and locate them on train # 001, other people on that train will do the same thing, by that point, people who are on the same train that day will meet again on the internet and whoever they have good impression on that train, they could send friend request for APPROVAL. Is n't that nice?

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